After having to take anti biotics to destroy the bacteria that were infecting my urinary tract I decided to focus on making Kombucha Tea in order to replenish my intestinal flora and strengthen my apparently failing immune system.
Kombucha is a, in my opinion tasty but others may disagree with me, refreshing fermented beverage. It originated from North East China where the Chinese people have been enjoying their sparkling Kombucha Tea since centuries. In China it is well known for its medicinal benefits and many call it therefor ‘Immortal Health Elixir”.
In order to make Kombucha we use sweetened green, white or black tea, preferably organic. Then we need a ‘Scoby’, this is a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast that transform sweet tea into this tangy, fizzy Kombucha. Personally I think a Scoby does not look that appealing at all, but when I think of the many health benefits and the tasty beverage I will obtain after the process I get myself over the yukky feeling. And since I believe that all living creatures, even the tiniest ones respond to positive and negative vibes, I talk friendly to my Scoby and even gave it a name!
Health benefits of Kombucha, besides improving the immune system, are ranging from facilitating detoxification, lowering cholesterol, reducing arthritis pain, restoring bowel movements, relief from various digestive troubles and gastric ulcers.
Some even claim that the anti-oxidant rich Kombucha possess anti-microbial properties that assist in curing various medical conditions such as cancer and diabetes. All I have experienced so far is that the pro biotic supplements I used to take helped me with preventing catching colds, flues and infections. I believe that I got sick with the UTI because I had not taken my pro biotics lately!
Many of my friends who have been drinking Kombucha advised me to start with brewing my own Kumbucha tea instead of buying the expensive supplements every time. One of my friends gave me a Kombucha starter set, since her own Kumbucha is helping her with staying healthy and she wanted me to never get this sick again.
Hopefully I will be able to pay it forward soon by sharing Scoby babies with others and perhaps even organize a Kombucha workshop in the near future.