EFT Tapping is a combination of counseling that includes acupuncture without the needles, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy. By tapping on the energy meridians and giving ourselves a voice, emotional blocks are being cleared from the body’s bio-energy system, restoring emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health.
How EFT can affect the Body: EFT Tapping accesses the amygdala, an almond shaped part of the brain that initiate the body’s negative reaction to fear (the fight, flight or freeze response). This calms the body’s nerve system by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. EFT can reduce blood pressure, can help with heart problems, fatigue, weakened immune system and many more ailments and pains.
How EFT can affect the Mind/heart: EFT Tapping helps with getting more focused and mindful; it brings blood to the brain and balances the brain functions. EFT Tapping brings about a neutral emotional state by clearing core limiting beliefs holding back true potential in a person. It brings about inner-peace and calmness.
How EFT can affect the Spirit: EFT Tapping makes a person more mindful and aware. It connects the heart and the mind. This influences the intuition positively and a connection with the true self or the higher self is established. The person is ready to live his life to his highest and true potential which will not only bring about health and balance but also establishes a spiritual well-being.