The body is our most sacred messenger tool. I think that missing its ‘please-help-me’ sign or simply ignoring them is the biggest mistake we can make. We can ponder about what we all truly want in life. What it comes down to is simply being happy. Happiness is what we all want.
Our environment may teach us different ways of retrieving this happiness. Funny enough, in western society we believe that happiness is a goal. Perhaps a goal we need to work hard for, something we have to achieve. In ancient teachings we learn that happiness can only be in the moment. It is not a goal we have to work hard for. It simply is in the moment. As babies we live in the moment. We do not live in the future or past. A baby simply ‘is’. When it is hungry it cries, when it needs milk it cries, when it needs nurturing it cries, when it needs a diaper change it cries. The baby’s body communicates its message to the parents.
When we grow up we often learn to suppress to communicate what we truly need. Not a lot of people will say out loud that they need nurturing. Instead we learn to negotiate, and often even how to manipulate to get what we want. We forget that what we truly want is satisfaction of our simple needs: Safety, love; nurturing on all our levels. We get distracted by our own loopholes.
Simply satisfying our needs can only occur when we go back to what the body is telling us. When our body feels tensed and stressed it means something is not in balance in our life. When we keep ignoring our body we can become ill. The only way to resolve is to learn to be in the moment and connect with the body. What are we feeling, where is this pain or tension and what can we learn from this, what is behind it? Are we not feeling loved? Are we not feeling safe? What do I need in this moment to feel better, what does my body want?
By simply communicating with our body and acknowledging its pain and stress we start to heal. Our body is simply telling us that we are not happy; our life’s purpose is not being fulfilled. How can we change this? Only you know. You only know the truth and no one else! In a counselling- and/or energy session we can start to work on revealing what maybe bothering you.
Step by step you can uncover why you are not happy and how to change this! Your ego may kick into fear though; it may attempt to prevent you from finding answers within. Simply trust your inner wisdom, simply silence your mind. Or is this not so simple? We may have created limiting patterns that we believe are keeping us safe. We may have created these patterns or beliefs when we were children. At that time these were probably keeping us safe but now they can prevent us from growth. Instead we are blocking ourselves and this is keeping us from our highest potential.
Now we have entered the important topic of our subconscious mind, which is acting like an old fashioned tape recorder since it has no mind of its own. The patterns recorded there can for example stop us from reaching our ultimate awareness of being happy in the moment. We may find ourselves in an endless circle of confusion: Perhaps we think we are not safe when we are happy, so we focus on our unhappiness in order to feel safe. Perhaps we may think we are not worthy of being happy, thus we create the pattern of not being deserving of being happy.
In order to be in the moment and truly enjoy happiness we will first have to change our mindset