When you have been asking yourself what your life purpose might be, and whether there is more to life than just living day by day, perhaps even from paycheck to paycheck, than S.A.C. in combination with Reiki, Spiritual Counseling and Advanced Theta healing is calling your name.
If you are interested in learning about our the natural ascension process, the expansion of consciousness on planet Earth, Diana may be able to assist you.
This comes with the need to develop a relationship with self on an individual level, to let go of limiting patterns and beliefs, to live an authentic life aligned with your true self.
When you are seeing me for energy medicine, and you are on the table, you may start noticing that your body is starting to twitch, gets hot or cold, your muscles are starting to spasm. This means that an electrically excitable environment is established and is giving you a tangible experience.
The energy medicine creates an electrically excitable environment inside the human vessel.
This excitability plays a key role in electrochemical communication. Electrochemical communication is the way the body communicates and gives our cells instructions.
When spasms and twitching occur it means that we are creating new harmonically tuned crystalline patterns, which promotes organization on a molecular and cellular level.
S.A.C. – Spiritual Alignment Connection:
Spiritual Alignment Connection is a HIGH Vibration Light Energy, which assists in shifting our vibrational frequency, allowing us the space for the clearing of trapped emotional patterns. It also stimulates and activates our DNA strands, propelling us closer to our home frequency, which is our natural state of LOVE (oneness)
Originally, the meridian lines of our “bodies” were connected to the meridian lines of the planets and beyond. At that time, our 12 strands of DNA were fully functional, allowing us total connectivity and full consciousness with the universe. Overtime, these lines became disconnected, leaving us with only 2 strands of DNA, functioning between 10-15% of our consciousness, losing our true connection to the universe and our oneness. With the completion of the Spiritual Alignment Connection, we begin to awaken to our divine presence within us.
S.A.C clears the pathways, allowing us to be more receptive to the stimulation and activation of our DNA. It comes in with the frequency of 9, which means waking up to the divine and connecting with one another on a soul level.
People who have completed the Spiritual Alignment Connection have reported a deepening sense of purpose, more creativity, heightened psychic abilities, more artistic abilities, and oneness with the universe. Some report release of negative emotional patterns or physical symptoms. Others report a sense of awakening, a sense of peace, one with nature, a paradigm shift enabling them to view life from a different and higher perspective.
The Spiritual Alignment Connection begins to unfold from the first session and continues throughout your life.
S.A.C Healing: 3 sessions within a 2 week period
S.A.C Connection: 2 sessions, 24-48 hours apart, No more than 1 year after the 3 healing sessions
Diana combines Reiki, Advanced Thetahealing, Light Language with S.A.C.